September 2023

Full Circle: The First Revolution

Celebrating a year of artistic exploration and vibrant community building, Mosaic Art Collective is excited to present "Full Circle: The First Revolution"! As Earth completes its annual journey around the sun, we too have come full circle. We're thrilled to commemorate our one-year anniversary by inviting artists, both established and emerging, to participate in our second annual juried show on this theme.

Take a moment to contemplate the significance of this cyclical year and how it has influenced your artistic expression. This theme serves as a powerful symbol of our shared voyage and the creative energies that have flowed between us throughout this remarkable year.

Artists are invited to submit work in line with one or more of the following themes:

Best of the Year:
Submit your favorite piece from the past year, a work that you feel encapsulates your best artistic skills and vision.

Artistic Evolution:
Consider sharing a piece that symbolizes your growth and transformation as an artist over this year. This could be a piece that showcases new techniques you've mastered, themes you've explored, or personal changes that have shaped your art.

A Moment in Time:
If there is a significant moment or period from the past year that has influenced your work, we would love to see it. This could be a response to a global event, a personal experience, or a representation of a seasonal shift.

Your loose interpretation of "full circle" and what it means to you is very much welcomed. It does not have to be a literal interpretation. As we look ahead to our next revolution, we're excited to celebrate this milestone, anticipating another orbit filled with boundless creativity, unique self-expression, and the continued pursuit of new artistic heights. Join us in this joyous celebration as we embark on the next chapter of our collective artistic adventure.

Submissions are now open! We eagerly await your creative contributions. The submission deadline is August 25, 2023.

Important Dates to Remember

EXHIBITION DATES: September 8 - 27

ONLINE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Fri. August 25, 2023, 11:59 PM


ARTWORK DROP OFF: Monday. August 28, 2023, 2-6 PM and Tuesday August 29, 2023, 2-6 PM


ARTWORK PICK UP: September 28, 2023 from 2-6 PM and September 29, 2023 from 2-6 PM

You are responsible for picking up unsold artwork at the end of the exhibition at the place and time designated by Mosaic Art Collective above, in the Exhibition Prospectus under Important Dates to Remember. If you are unable to pick up your unsold artwork at the designated place and time, you must notify the Mosaic Art Collective on or before the pickup date and make alternative arrangements to pick up your artwork within seven (7) days of the designated pick up date. Any artwork left with Mosaic Art Collective eight (8) or more days after the designated pick up date will be subject to a $10.00 per day storage fee per piece. Any artwork left with Mosaic Art Collective for more than 15 days after the designated pick up date becomes the property of the Mosaic Art Collective. You retain ownership of your artwork until the artwork is sold or abandoned.

Guidelines to Follow


LOCATION: Mosaic Art Collective, 66 Hanover St, Suite 201, Manchester, NH 03101

EXHIBIT FEE: $20 for one submission and $10 for each additional submission. Limit of 3 submissions.

COMMISSION STRUCTURE: Sales are not guaranteed When sales do occur, artists retain 75% and Mosaic Art Collective retains 25% of sale price.

2D framed work or with intentional edges and 3D work that must be able to hang on the wall will be accepted.

All work must be ready to hang, with the proper hanging wires. 

NO sawtooth hangers.

All work must be created within the last 5 years.

All artists exhibiting at Mosaic Art Collective must adhere to our presentation and framing guidelines, outlined below in this document.

Presentation and Framing Guidelines

Please watch this video for details on how to properly frame and hang your art.

User Entry Process Tutorial

This video explains how to sign up for Art Call, if you are new to the process.